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Foundation Installation

Foundation Installation

The federal HUD code requires that all new manufactured homes be set on a concrete pier foundation, and we would strongly recommend it on all used homes as well. While good base work keeps the water away, concrete piers below frost depth further eliminate any settling or heaving, making sure your home stays level for a long time. We also offer Goliath Tech Helical Piles as an alternative to concrete, should it be necessary.

Concrete Foundation

Homes are most commonly placed on concrete foundations of some sort. For manufactured housing, this will be in the form of concrete piers. With a blocking print from the manufacturer (not required for used homes) we can install 24″ piers that extend below the frost depth for your area. This is done using an auger on a 50g John Deere excavator. Being below the frost depth ensures that the freeze and thaw cycles won’t heave the foundation, putting your home out of level. 

On a modular home, you’re looking at a crawl space, or even a basement! This is because they do not have the chassis that a manufactured home does. We can do this for you as well utilizing our excavation equipment, if it’s something you’re looking for. 

Helical Piles

There are other options besides concrete, one of them being steel! Federal HUD code also allows the use of helical piles as a manufactured home foundation.

Goliath Tech Helical Piles are thick, 7 foot steel piles with a helix on the end of them to allow them to be driven into the ground. Extensions can be installed to increase the depth of installation until an engineer specified torque value is reached. The home then sits directly on top of these piles using plates and clamps. These come with the perk of being a built in anchoring system. At 7+ feet deep, these aren’t settling OR coming out!

There are many foundation options depending on your scenario, but we can do them all. If you have questions or would like more information, please reach out!